
Tuesday, 23 July 2013

What Are You Wired To Do

For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to Live.

AMP~Ephesians 2:10

This is one of the scriptures I return to most often and its also one perfect verse for us who are messengers. It really just describes the entire journey of stepping into our BIG purpose.

Curious? Let me explain. I see four key pieces here.

1. The first is  “workmanship,” and to me that means that you are a custom creation(Customized), that there is no one like you. Nobody else has the stuff that you have and has been created in the way that you have. You are a custom, tailor-made, one-of-a-kind creation.

You should never try to imitate and replicate what has already been done… because it has already been done! The world needs what only you have and it is already present in you. Any time you look outside of yourself to find something that is only within yourself, you miss the mark every single time.

2. A second piece is around good works. Your existence and presence here on Earth is to be able to do good works. You have to understand that there is a purpose to your voice. Good works are part of what you are expected to do and what you have been designed for. You’ve been designed to do awesome and amazing things.

Is that overwhelming? Well, it’s only natural to shrink back and think your vision is too big.

But what this scripture tells you is that you were pre-designed for it.  You were pre-designed for the incredible. You were pre-designed as a messenger.

I know this about you because if this wasn’t true for you, you wouldn’t have felt that tug you’ve been feeling. You see, not everybody will hear the invitation that you have heard. Those who have been pre-designed for something else won’t resonate with your tug because they have their own version of it.

But you, my friend… if you are reading this, I know that you have been listening to your invitation to be a messenger in the world. Goal4 it.

3. The third piece is “Planned before hand” You might be surprised by some of the things that God shows you about your life, about your business, about your calling, and about your own significance—but He’s not. He knew about all of the things that He would have for you from the very beginning. He knew who needed you. He designed you in such a way to meet the needs that other people have.

4. And that last piece—the word “To Live” Yes, action is required. It’s not enough to know what you are here to do, to say, and to share. You actually have to do it, Live it, Goal4 it. God really knows whether you are serious. You really can’t fake this. Think about it…. What happens when you get busy and take on other activities? You do every single thing except use the unique thing that you’ve been given to do. And you end up wasting it.

I always say that God will extend an invitation, but He will not give the information and instruction until after you have accepted the invitation.

I know you’ve heard the invitation. Now, what are you going to do with it? I believe that if you won’t respond, someone else will. God doesn’t lose. He doesn’t know how to lose. Purpose only knows how to win.

And this is your time to respond. Your time to act. Your time to step into your purpose.

Tell ME, what’s your first step going to be? I’d love to know!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! The scripture I was pondering on...though I was engrossed in the last 2 parts; “prepared beforehand” and “walk in them”.
    Reading this has brought insights which I’m going to share: First on the series sequence is ‘workmanship’. It defines who we are, our brand (label) and our source. It thrills me just knowing and living with the awareness that we are products of God’s PERSONAL ATTENTION and HANDIWORK.
    Moving forward is ‘created for good works’. Throw away the stinking thinking of “I’m not good enough”. Gen.1:26-28 (we are created in God’s image, after his likeness, we’ve been given dominion, we’ve been blessed, declared fruitful and commanded to multiply, replenish and subdue – Good works!). Does any of that appear bad? Verse 31 says; “And God saw everything that He had made, and, behold, it was very good. Don’t forget that. So we need to come to terms with and carefully discover Why has He made us so carefully and wonderfully? Why was I made? What is the meaning of my life? I was created in Christ Jesus for good works. That is my purpose, why He made me, the very essence of my existence.
    ‘God Prepared The Good Works Beforehand’. As we go through our daily lives, God puts opportunities before us to do good. God makes sure that we see someone who is in trouble, and expects us to rescue them. God makes sure that the basket is passed in front of us, and He expects us to give a sacrifice. God makes sure that we see someone in need, and expects us to help them. God has prepared these things in advance, and the exhortation is that we must walk in them.
    ‘Walk In Them’
    I like to think of these good works that God prepared for me beforehand as doors. They are doors placed in front of me that I choose to walk through, because I know that God has placed them before me and expects me to walk through them. His job is to put the door in front of me, my job is to walk through it. How many times a day do we see a door and keep driving? We turn our heads and keep walking, because, "I don't have the time. I don't have the money. I don't want to get involved. I'm going to mind my own business." People, good works are our business. It is why we have been created in Christ Jesus.
    When God prepares a good work for you to do, walk in it. It will open up opportunities for you.
    Remember, there is freedom to express creativity in God.
