
Friday, 5 July 2013

Winning Ways

People often ask me what has helped me most to get to where I am today! And they are always surprised at my answer. What has  helped me most is my belief that having the mindset of a champion is more important than having the skill-set of a champion. That’s right…

Having the mindset of a champion simply entails  having fortitude, passion, conviction and commitment. And the intensity of our mindset determines whether we can handle the chroma of the marketplace. When our mindset is not strong, we might end up being crushed by the marketplace. I’ve seen it happen so much—for me, this piece is critical.

Here’s the challenge I see… It’s easy for us to forget how important our mindset is, because we forget that it is the soil upon which everything else is planted.

Mastery of our minds is the most critical ingredient of our success because…

1. Mind traps will keep us stuck more than anything else. We think our big, bad problem is that we need more clients or we need to be more exposed… and everything would be fine. We may well need more clients or exposure, but there is usually a mind trap that is holding us back—keeping us from being able to charge what we’re worth or put ourselves in front of our ideal clients. Mastering our mindset is so crucial that we’ve got to avoid anything that will sabotage our business, relationship, daily life activities, our objectives or our desires. We must stand guard at the doorway of our mind.

2. SpeedUp is influenced by Perception. Our self-perception determines how fast we implement. For instance, we can focus on how much competition we have, that we’re too old to begin, that we need more schooling… That’s one choice. Or we can hold this perception in our mind: “I was born for this, I was born to have an amazing brand platform and I am making up my mind and determining that brilliance is my identity. I know that being a messenger is a part of my divine identity.” Holding that perception inside will influence how quickly we implement. And if we are passionate about the outcome we will be passionate about the process that produces the outcome.

3. Having a strong mind is the key to having a strong business, a strong brand, and a strong platform. A strong mindset is everything. It really is everything. It’s going to determine the level of assertiveness and fortitude that we have. It’s going to mean the difference between really building our brand and our business in right way—or the wrong way. Our mindset also determines the authenticity of the actual brand itself—and how we and it show up in the marketplace.

We will have doubts. We will have discouraging days. That is precisely why we must build up our minds like a muscle.

I want you to focus on strengthening your mind. Remember, it’s not smarter than you. It’s a muscle that you have to train. You have to continually remind it who you are and what you’re called to do. You have to remind it that there is a greater purpose… and that this is your time.

How do you strengthen your mindset?
Let ME know…


  1. dear flo,
    i love your write up,but i want to first of all tell you that the mind is not a muscle, its not located anywhere in the anatomy of the body in more like a spiritual being or more like a heart of the soul. the mind definitely controls alot in us ranging from response, perception to reaction and understanding in all we do in life. having a mind of a champion is a good thing but its nevr gotten without downfalls as u said. however to ur question; i want to say the best and most efficient way to train ur mind is absolutely through spiritual and moral discipline. its not all about prayer you know but there are many thing that kind can transform the mind and give it strength which ranges from love, godliness, open heartedness and all. to have a great mind it must have been broken, mended, full of experience and most of all learned the art of total forgiveness.

  2. @light Thanks a lot bro for your comment. Your response is VERY Fantastic! Our minds are the soils on which all seeds are planted within.. Let's also put into consideration that Exceedingly and abundantly is the result of a renewed mind. #i like where you used the word transformation.. This gives birth to a renewed mind 1. A Renewed Mind releases potential, 2. A Renewed mind embraces Forgiveness like you rightly said, 3. A renewed mind ushers us into victory.. So permit me to say, you are right on track.. #KeepWinning

  3. The 'mind' is a part of us and 'subject' we should really take seriously because whether we like it or not, it is the control room that coordinates our activities as long as we are alive. I love the way the Bible puts it; " a man thinks in his heart (mind), so is he..." Prov.23:7. In other words, you are what you think. No wonder Prov.4:23 states; "Guard your heart (mind) with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life". Paul understood this and so advised the people in Philippi. "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus".

    So, our thoughts are major aspect of us that we do really want to check and if we are at any point confused on how to align our thought pattern, Philippians 4:8 comes in handy.

    Again, well coordinated thoughts you've posted here and to you Light, excellent analysis...I totally agree with you.

    P/S; Sorry if I went too spiritual :).
