
Wednesday, 28 August 2013


There Is Power In Focus. 

 By focus I mean clear, intentional concentration on a specific tangible or intangible circumstance or situation.  Focus can and will bring the energy of the mind, heart and soul into alignment.  Focused alignment is powerful.  However, it is imperative to be clear about what you are focused on, why you are focusing on it and, the energy behind your focus. When we are not clear about the energy and intention of the things we focus on, we will find it impossible to create new energy or experiences.  Instead, we will create or re-create what we don’t want rather than what we actually desire.

Bunmi in one of her Numerous poem line wrote “I should be suspicious of my wants.”  I agree.  I remember wanting to be a lawyer; specifically a criminal defense attorney.  After three weeks of visiting clients housed in jail, I realized that I wanted the right thing, to be of service to others, for the wrong reasons, to feel powerful and have control. I remember wanting to be married to my three year Long love'. 'Visually' (:D) 90 days into the marriage I became painfully aware that in this situation, I wanted the wrong thing, to make him prove he loved me, for the right reason, to experience love and companionship.

There are times when we want one thing in order to avoid something else.  Or, we want something just to prove we can have it.  Then, there are situations that we want to end, regardless of the cost or the price we pay.  In many situations, at the core of what we want the focus is solving an immediate problem or satisfying an immediate need without appropriate consideration of the long term impact.  As most card-carrying human beings, we have had a tendency to focus on increasing what we consider to be pleasurable and avoiding, at all costs, what we perceive as painful.  With this as a focus we conveniently avoid important things like responsibility, accountability, integrity and, the still small voice of Spirit.  More often than not it is our unfocused wants that will lead us to places we’ve already been and do not want to re-visit.

Here we stand, collectively and individually on the cusp of a new beginning; another 'week'.  Here we are, collectively and individually, with a divine opportunity to create new experiences, circumstances and situations.  We must be suspicious of our wants.  And, we should be suspicious of why we want what we want.

Think about the Previous week, a week that probably promised to be one victory through struggle, unexpected movement, pressure on the family and, divine grace, our wants must be focused on the higher and greater good of the whole.  As this week begins to unfold, our focus must shift from what we don’t have to what is-possible.  We must take our minds, hearts and eyes away from what did not, should have, could have-happened by focusing on what and how we can grow what we have into more.

We are being called to ground our focus in things that are higher than what we know and greater than we think ourselves to be.  The focus must be about joy, curiosity and exploration rather than fear, survival and more of the same.  More often than not we focus our energy on what we don’t want because it is painful.  This means we are moving away from something rather than moving toward what we truly desire.  The focus of what we want must be clear.  The focus of what we want must be intentional.  The focus of what we want must be about creating good rather than avoiding the perceived bad.  The focus of what we want must come from an open heart rather than a conflicted head.

Focusing on what we want means that we are ready, willing and able to handle all aspects, possibilities and the responsibility of having the things we want.  Focusing on what we want demands that we are courageous enough to ask for and expect to have what we want rather than what we think is available.  Focusing on what we want requires that we stand in and demonstrate faith, trust, and commitment, even when it is hard. This week is bringing forth an energy that calls us to conduct asuspicious investigation of everything we think we want and the energy driving it.

What do you really, really want?  What is the feeling you desire to have?  How will that feeling and the experience it brings make you a better person in your life?  How will that feeling and the experience it brings support you in making life better for others in your family?  Community?  And, the world?  As early as possible in the energy of the week, I invite you to explore these inquiries with pen and paper.  Investigate your wants and your willingness and ability to focus on them.  Question what you want to move away from and what you are moving toward.  Give yourself the permission, the time and space required to explore, examine, reflect and inquire within yourself, about yourself and the things you say you want.  Be suspicious.  Be courageous.  Be willing to shift the focus of your wants to the desires God holds for you.

Are you willing to be focused on what you want?
Post your comment below.

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