
Tuesday, 23 July 2013

What Are You Wired To Do

For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to Live.

AMP~Ephesians 2:10

This is one of the scriptures I return to most often and its also one perfect verse for us who are messengers. It really just describes the entire journey of stepping into our BIG purpose.

Curious? Let me explain. I see four key pieces here.

1. The first is  “workmanship,” and to me that means that you are a custom creation(Customized), that there is no one like you. Nobody else has the stuff that you have and has been created in the way that you have. You are a custom, tailor-made, one-of-a-kind creation.

You should never try to imitate and replicate what has already been done… because it has already been done! The world needs what only you have and it is already present in you. Any time you look outside of yourself to find something that is only within yourself, you miss the mark every single time.

2. A second piece is around good works. Your existence and presence here on Earth is to be able to do good works. You have to understand that there is a purpose to your voice. Good works are part of what you are expected to do and what you have been designed for. You’ve been designed to do awesome and amazing things.

Is that overwhelming? Well, it’s only natural to shrink back and think your vision is too big.

But what this scripture tells you is that you were pre-designed for it.  You were pre-designed for the incredible. You were pre-designed as a messenger.

I know this about you because if this wasn’t true for you, you wouldn’t have felt that tug you’ve been feeling. You see, not everybody will hear the invitation that you have heard. Those who have been pre-designed for something else won’t resonate with your tug because they have their own version of it.

But you, my friend… if you are reading this, I know that you have been listening to your invitation to be a messenger in the world. Goal4 it.

3. The third piece is “Planned before hand” You might be surprised by some of the things that God shows you about your life, about your business, about your calling, and about your own significance—but He’s not. He knew about all of the things that He would have for you from the very beginning. He knew who needed you. He designed you in such a way to meet the needs that other people have.

4. And that last piece—the word “To Live” Yes, action is required. It’s not enough to know what you are here to do, to say, and to share. You actually have to do it, Live it, Goal4 it. God really knows whether you are serious. You really can’t fake this. Think about it…. What happens when you get busy and take on other activities? You do every single thing except use the unique thing that you’ve been given to do. And you end up wasting it.

I always say that God will extend an invitation, but He will not give the information and instruction until after you have accepted the invitation.

I know you’ve heard the invitation. Now, what are you going to do with it? I believe that if you won’t respond, someone else will. God doesn’t lose. He doesn’t know how to lose. Purpose only knows how to win.

And this is your time to respond. Your time to act. Your time to step into your purpose.

Tell ME, what’s your first step going to be? I’d love to know!

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Dream Team

As you prepare to give birth to your dream and for God’s calling in your life to come to pass, what you share with others—and who you share with—is so important to your journey.

I really do believe that teamwork makes the dream work. We need others to help us stay through, accountable and in balance as we pursue our purpose. I also believe that Christ intends for us to operate in community with others. After all, Jesus had his disciples… the first dream team! And, oh, what a mission they were able to be a part of.

Today, I want you to take a close look at how you build the best support team around you. If you screw this up, you’ll be hanging out with the bunch of losers who will limit you and each other.

But, here’s the thing: a team is defined as ‘a number of persons associated in JOINT action.” By sharing your dream, you’re inviting people into your space, your plans and inner circle.(Social Etiquette)

The question is… who are you essentially “joining” with by sharing your dream and vision?

Some people (mistakenly & inadvertently) end up inviting everyone to their “team” —sharing their ideas and brilliance with anyone who will listen, seeking the advice and counsel of too many people or allowing themselves to be deterred by the words of doubters, worriers, nay-sayers, or jealous bystanders.

Listen! if you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far go together.

Here are four best practices to ensure you move forward with the right people so your dream does not become a nightmare.

1. Be selective & inclusive. When sharing your dream, tell the people who need to know. (And, all your Facebook, Twitter... friends do not need to know… Trust me on this one.)  Part of creating conditions for profitable success is that the people who are connected to you, depend upon you, and rely upon you know where you’re going. So have a conversation with your significant other eg. your spouse, your kids. Make sure they understand how your dream will affect them and what it means to their lives.

2. Share with trusted advisers. Tell colleagues and advisers that you trust—people with wisdom, experience or expertise who can support you and will support you. Remember, not all of those who can, will.  Make sure that you’re only speaking with people who have expressed a sincere desire to support you in your journey… even if that means hiring them to be a mentor and coach.

3. Create a circle of accountability. When you tell others your dream, ask them to remind you of what you’re focused on and ask them to support you. Your trusted team can pour back into you and help you get where you’re going. And you can do the same for them. As Proverbs 11:25 "The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped"

This was a big step for me because I’m a solo “do-er” and don’t traditionally ask for a lot of support. But when I’ve made up my mind, I don’t ask for approval. I tell people, “This is where I am going, this is the legacy I’m building and these are the people I’m serving.” Then I say that when times get hard I’m going to need them as part of my support system to remind me why I’m doing what it is that I am doing.

4. Don’t wait for approval. While others are helpful, they aren’t always essential. Seeking support is completely different from seeking approval. When you are clear on what you want, you need only give yourself permission to pursue your dream without apology and the need for outside approval. Everyone won’t be able to support or understand your calling, your mission, your vision… YOUR dream. That’s why it is Y-O-U-R-S!  You never need to ask for permission to do something that God has already commissioned you to do.

Protecting your dream is key. People are an integral part of that process. Just use discretion, discernment (and common sense!) as you do so.

I know the best is within you… it’s time for it to manifest through you.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

What is Voice?

Life is about making decisions that allow the GENUINE YOU to emerge.

Your VOX is oh-so related to your divine purpose. It really is.
And, whether you realize it or not, the battles in your life are about one thing.
The battle is for your VOX.

The mess you’ve faced in the past.
It wasn’t about the mess – it was about the message…an attack on your VOX.

The battle you’re facing right now…. it also is likely an attack on your purpose.
Your vox. Your destiny.

I want to help you see what I’m talking about, and also explain how your abundance and prosperity accompany the message in your mouth!

So – while I’m excited…my spirit is equally unsettled.
My heart tells that if you’re reading this, you’re currently facing SOMETHING – some major decision, crossroads, confusion, frustration, or discouragement.

Maybe you’re looking for a change, but you don’t know what it is or how to make it.

Maybe you’re ready to change, but you’re afraid.

Maybe you think you’re not ready.
Maybe you think you don’t have anything to say or share.
Maybe you think you already know this stuff.

Or, maybe you just think the possibility of making money by speaking doesn’t apply to you.

Well, I believe that the greatest thing God gives us is our VOice. No one is exempt.
Heaven has something special in mind for you.

Personally, I’m most grateful for God showing me how important
our voices are to him.

Learning to embrace your vox is central to you being able to live your calling.

One can’t happen without the other.
That one revelation has changed my life, my influence and my financial lifestyle.

A change starts with a curious mind.

Simply open your mind and listen to what God is saying. Embrace the new possibilities you see for your voice and for your next season of abundance.

Do you have a Voice? Have you found Your Voice? Let us know below...

Friday, 5 July 2013

Winning Ways

People often ask me what has helped me most to get to where I am today! And they are always surprised at my answer. What has  helped me most is my belief that having the mindset of a champion is more important than having the skill-set of a champion. That’s right…

Having the mindset of a champion simply entails  having fortitude, passion, conviction and commitment. And the intensity of our mindset determines whether we can handle the chroma of the marketplace. When our mindset is not strong, we might end up being crushed by the marketplace. I’ve seen it happen so much—for me, this piece is critical.

Here’s the challenge I see… It’s easy for us to forget how important our mindset is, because we forget that it is the soil upon which everything else is planted.

Mastery of our minds is the most critical ingredient of our success because…

1. Mind traps will keep us stuck more than anything else. We think our big, bad problem is that we need more clients or we need to be more exposed… and everything would be fine. We may well need more clients or exposure, but there is usually a mind trap that is holding us back—keeping us from being able to charge what we’re worth or put ourselves in front of our ideal clients. Mastering our mindset is so crucial that we’ve got to avoid anything that will sabotage our business, relationship, daily life activities, our objectives or our desires. We must stand guard at the doorway of our mind.

2. SpeedUp is influenced by Perception. Our self-perception determines how fast we implement. For instance, we can focus on how much competition we have, that we’re too old to begin, that we need more schooling… That’s one choice. Or we can hold this perception in our mind: “I was born for this, I was born to have an amazing brand platform and I am making up my mind and determining that brilliance is my identity. I know that being a messenger is a part of my divine identity.” Holding that perception inside will influence how quickly we implement. And if we are passionate about the outcome we will be passionate about the process that produces the outcome.

3. Having a strong mind is the key to having a strong business, a strong brand, and a strong platform. A strong mindset is everything. It really is everything. It’s going to determine the level of assertiveness and fortitude that we have. It’s going to mean the difference between really building our brand and our business in right way—or the wrong way. Our mindset also determines the authenticity of the actual brand itself—and how we and it show up in the marketplace.

We will have doubts. We will have discouraging days. That is precisely why we must build up our minds like a muscle.

I want you to focus on strengthening your mind. Remember, it’s not smarter than you. It’s a muscle that you have to train. You have to continually remind it who you are and what you’re called to do. You have to remind it that there is a greater purpose… and that this is your time.

How do you strengthen your mindset?
Let ME know…

Wednesday, 3 July 2013


There’s no denying that there are so many lost young girls wandering without direction or guidance. It’s easy to sit and condemn their acts, blaming their parents, schools, churches for not training these girls accordingly. But while we continually criticize, the issues worsen, and so it is on this premise LIFT was birthed; to give clues to the young girl on living life, having fun and fulfilling purpose the Jesus way. We cannot do it all, but we would do our part… rather than complain, we’ll be a part of the Solution.

LIFT acronym for “Ladies In Fellowship Together" is a Faith-based initiative for teenage girls. LIFT is centred on reviving, renewing and rejuvenating the spirit, mind and body of teenagers through informal gatherings/meetings/outings.
We seek to raise a generation of young teenage girls who would take their place as pace-setters in their generation, building ladies who would be aware of their worth and essence, ultimately affecting our community and Nigeria as a whole. By 31st Dec 2025 we hope to have achieved a Nigeria where ladies sell their Ideas instead of their Bodies'.

Nneoma Nwankwo
Managing Founder